There is new management, new ownership, and it is completely remodeled.
GPS Location: 986 Gore Store Road, Kountze, TX
June 11,2011
Admission: $5.00
Children under 12 free
70% Payback on entry and calcutta
Puppy Bay $15
1 Dog $30
2 Dog $40
Drag Race $10 100% payback One Place
Pig Chase for Kids
Books open at 6:00pm Baying Starts at 7:00pm
Absolutely NO CATCH DOGS
No Females in Heat
No Cameras
One Judge Rule
Concessions Available
Richard Roberson Home (409) 736-2411
Cell (409) 365-7611
There will be some good dogs, some quality hogs and good times had by all. If you're interested in one more baying before it gets too hot, this is a good one with a good remodeling of the facilities, put on by good folks and I hope to see you there. You will probably see some dogs winning at this event who have won several bayings since the Uncle Earl's and don't be surprised if they win this one, too.
And speaking of the Uncle Earl's, if you've been visiting my blog to see some more info on what's happened, I can tell you right now.
It isn't just me who is out of control and ranting and raving about the Uncle Earl's 2001. There is a group of big names who are all ready to sign a petition protesting the way things have been operated in the past, and listing the way we want it in the future. And if our dmands are not met, all I can say is we ain't going and waste our time and money again! Enough is enough. There are too many other options we can support such as Village Mills and the new Cutter Creek Bay Pen near Shreveport.
I'm just one man and by myself I'm not changing nothing. But as a group, we can make changes that are almost unamiously agreed upon and overdue. The petition may be ready by this weekend and we will begin to circulate for signatures, as soon as possible. If you're interested in reading and possibly signing, you may contact me at 337-298-2630. I will also put some more contact info regarding upcoming changes that we are proposing for the Uncle Earl's and it's time that we the competitors set and demand the standards that field trials and bayings operate under. And why should we set them?
Because we, with our dogs, money, and families, make these bayings possible. If it were not for the money we bring to the gate, the registration booth, and our dogs which we haul great distances at great expense, these events would not happen. It is a cooperation between us, the competitors, and the organizers who host these events that we are able to carry on this centuries old American tradition of baying hogs with dogs.
These events are important for socialization, networking of hunters, breeders, and pet owners. At these events we are able to buy tack, and hog hunting supplies which is better than ordering it online because we can fit it on the dog and try it before we buy it. Hey, the Internet is great, if you can't make it to a baying, but nothing like being able to try it on before you give them your credit card number.
I have made a lot of friends as a result of my participation in hog dog field trials in the last decade and a half. In spite of being accused of being a whiner, complainer, loser, and poor sportsman, due to the issues I have raised in the last few months, I will continue to press forward with my cause to have higher standards with the operation of any baying, because I love the sport and I want to pass it on to my children. If we don't do it right, it ain't gonna happen, because the animal rights activists, will stop us.
We need to set an industry wide standard, and demand that this standard be a goal at all bayings, and help anyone who is attempting to just get started in the business, to get it right, to keep this thing going. We also need to advise the organizers of long time events, like the Uncle Earls, of changes in the industry, so they can keep up with the new dogs, rules, and demands of the industry.
We can not allow another two dog bay in 2012 like we witnessed this year at the Uncle Earls 2011. We should not wait for outsiders to come and accuse us; we should now admit we have a problem and work on correcting it. The Uncle Earl's only comes once a year. We got 9 months to work on it before next year. Let's make it right; let's make it better; let's make it live up to the claim of being the superbowl of hog dog field trials and demand world class hogs, and consistant judging.
There are other issues that need to be addressed, but until we got an even set of hogs, nothing else matters.
One of the things that needs to be clarified: Is it a baying or is it a hog dog field trial? If I'm going to a hog dog field trial, I'm bringing my hunting dogs. And if my hunting dogs ain't got enough hog in front of them, and I mean a hog capable of defending himself, then my dogs are gonna catch. If it's a baying, I need to bring my baydogs and they will never catch, no matter what size hog. These distinctions need to be clear and well defined in the advertising as well as administrating of any hog dog competition we got to. I don't want to show up at a hog dog field trial with my bay dogs, and I don't want to go to a baying with my hunting dogs.
If you're just getting into hog dog field trials. . .Hell, if you're just getting into hunting, this place, this weekend is where it's at to network with the right people. There will be some good folks, quality and world class hogs, and a lot of fun. Hope to see you there!
And if you lose I don't want to hear no whining, moanin, or complaining!-)
But...should you have a complaint, Mr Richard Roberson has assured me that HE wants to hear about it.
Come on let's go have some fun.